God Hates the UK. The UK is soon going to find out that the game is almost up; you're living in Fergie Time. (1-4-2016)
Thank God for AIDS. From cover to cover in the bible you will find all of those that love the Lord heartily thank God for all the wondrous works in the earth that he has performed. (7-26-2015)
God H8s Sin & Sinner. Let me ask you this, when a person commits murder, does the crime or the criminal get punished? Does the murder or the murderer go to prison? (5-21-2015)
God Hates Your Prayers. You cannot live your lives in defiance to the standards of God and expect that he will hear your prayers. (1-3-2015)
God Loves a Humble Heart. God resisteth the proud and giveth grace unto the humble. (10-19-2014)
God Still Hates Fags. We told you that the fag juggernaut was going to bring this world to destruction. (10-17-2014)
It's A Bible Thing. "It's a bible thing" just means what we say and what we do comes from the Bible. (9-13-2014)
Fag Media Shame. The whole media is in kind a slavish modality to the fag agenda. (9-7-2014)
Fags Can't Marry. The first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve after He joined them in marriage was to "be fruitful and multiply." Sodomy has no fruit. (9-2-2014)
God Sends The Cancer. Cancer or any other thing that happens to you in your life comes from God, whether you like it or not. (6-27-2014)
Mourn For Your Sins. Call your sin, sin, and sincerely mourn and repent of it. That is your only hope. (6-18-2014)
Abortion is Bloody Murder. Abortion is bloody murder. Murder by any name is murder. What part of thou shalt not kill do you not understand? (5-26-2014)
Death Penalty 4 Fags. All nations should follow God in requiring the death penalty for sodomy. (4-2-2013)
"Christians" Caused Fag Marriage. Phony, luke-warm "christians" are to blame for the fag-loving state of this doomed nation. Hear why. (2-14-2013)
God Sent The Shooter. Newtown, CT! Aurora, CO! Tucson, AZ! Military Soccer Mom! Fort Hood! Va Tech! Columbine! All are adumbrations of God's fierce wrath against a nation that lives in callous rebellion against their God! (12-16-2012)
God Hates Fags. Hear Pastor Phelps defend this profound theological statement. (1-1-2007)
USA = Fag Nation. All of America - churches, courts, governments, schools, the media - bows down to kiss fag ass in putrid worship on Brokeback Mountain. (1-1-2007)
Thank God For Dead Soldiers. America's soldiers are fighting against God himself - and will never win. When a symbol of America is blown to smithereens, that is God avenging Himself. (1-1-2007)
America Is Doomed. The grievous nature of America's sins justifies the filthy culture of Sodom and Gomorrah. Irreversibly cursed of God. America is Doomed. (1-1-2007)
God Hates Fag Enablers. Far worse than those who are simply driven by lust, fag-enablers are motivated by a hatred of God Almighty and are all worthy of death. (1-1-2007)
Your Pastor Is A Whore. The six hundred thousand churches in America operate like whorehouses - you give them money and they make you feel good. You would never pay them to tell you the truth of the scriptures. You want to be lied to. (1-1-2007)
God Is America's Terrorist. From 'natural' disasters to US soldiers being blown to bits by Iraqi IEDs, God is pouring out His wrath against a nation laden with sin. God truly is America's Terrorist. (1-1-2007)
Fag Court. The American Judicial system has become the forum of choice for fags and their enablers to advance their filthy agenda. The Supreme Court has mandated that Americans must 'respect' that which God calls an abominable sin! (1-1-2007)
Fag Church. All the pastors of the six hundred thousand churches in America are ministers of Satan. They teach what they ought not for filthy lucre's sake (money), and their congregations pay to be lied to. (1-1-2007)
Love Thy Neighbor = Rebuke. Loving your neighbor means to warn him that his sins are taking him to hell. Failing to offer such a warning evidences your hatred for your neighbor. Period. This is not just some goofy, vain Hallmark card sentiment - it is perhaps the most important of Bible principles. (1-1-2007)
Priests Rape Boys. This is a no-brainer! Every parking lot of every Catholic Church should be empty. Instead, over 1 billion people flock to pay the salaries of pedophile rapists. (1-1-2007)
Throne Of Iniquity. During the 'reign' of Queen Elizabeth II, Great Britain has become the world's epicenter for fag culture, fag activism and pro-fag media propaganda. Her throne has indeed become a throne of iniquity - and she'll have to give an account to Almighty God for her wicked deeds, as will all of her filthy, God-hating subjects. (1-1-2007)
Matt In Hell. Made a poster child by fags to champion their evil cause, Matt Shepard was trolling for fag sex in a cowboy bar and died in a 'meth' deal gone bad. He is not a hero; he lived in shame and split hell wide open when he died. (1-1-2007)
Heath In Hell. Eternally cursed of God, he used his God-given talent as an actor to promote a lifestyle of sin, filth, disease, misery and death to the youth of this evil world. Now he is tormented in hell for eternity, with no time off - ever. (1-1-2007)
Thank God For IEDs. Find out why the saints of the Most High God thank Him for using 'Improvised Explosive Devices' to punish a nation laden with sin! (1-1-2007)
God Hates America. America has institutionalized proud sin in every quarter - legislature, courts, schools, entertainment, families, etc. - God has promised to curse the disobedient. (1-1-2007)
Thank God For 9/11. The grievous destruction and multitude of deaths experienced by America on 9/11/01 were the righteous judgments of God Almighty ... and a small taste of what He has in store for this impudent nation. (1-1-2007)
Pope In Hell. The Catholic Church is the largest pedophile ring in the history of the world, and operates under a guise of religion. As its leader, the Pope is the Godfather of the boy-diddling Mafia, and every son of Adam who serves in that capacity splits hell wide open when he quits this Earth. (1-1-2007)
The Wrath Of God Is Revealed. Antichristic fool Barack Obama referred to Romans chapter 1 as an 'obscure passage of the Bible' - thereby expressing his contempt for God's word and exalting his judgment above God's judgment. Behold Obama - the great theologian! (1-1-2007)
You're Going To Hell. This sign applies to every son and daughter of Adam who does not fear God and obey His commandments, which is roughly 99.999999999% of people who have ever lived. (1-1-2007)
The Lord Is Coming. The cup of the world's iniquity is almost full, and the Judge is even at the door! The Lord is Coming! (1-1-2007)
Fags Doom Nations. These evil beasts have a scorched-earth mentality and will bankrupt any nation in pursuit of their lust. As with Sodom and Gomorrah, God destroys any nation that embraces their filthy manner of life. (1-1-2007)
Fag Flag. It is the international signal of distress. Her abominations have America imperiled at the mighty hand of God; she is in fact irreversibly doomed. (1-1-2007)
Fag Troops. There are only two kinds of people willing to serve in America's military today: fags and fag enablers. God hates both kinds - and renders that fierce judgment to their face. (1-1-2007)
Don't Worship The Dead. Dying time is truth time. If that corpse could talk, he would beg you maudlin necromancers to tell the truth about where he is - hell! (1-1-2007)
Fags Die. God Laughs. When fags die - the natural result of their God-defying, soul-damning and body-destroying behavior - God laughs at their calamity and mocks the fear of the enablers they leave behind. (1-1-2007)
God Hates Divorce. It is a great sin for a man to put away the wife of his youth. Also, if you are 'married' to someone who has been divorced, or if you have been divorced and are 'remarried', then you are living in adulterous sin - every day. One man, one woman, one lifetime - that's God's standard. (1-1-2007)
Fear God. If you credit the Bible with any authority, King Solomon was the wisest man ever to have lived. As an old man, he summed up the meaning of life, the whole duty of man, thusly: fear God, and keep His commandments. (1-1-2007)
God Is Your Enemy. The first rule of war is to know your enemy. As He did with Pharaoh and the entire Egyptian army, God is now punishing America for attempting to hinder His saints in their efforts to serve their Lord acceptably. (1-1-2007)
Bush Killed Them. Lying counsel suckered little tyrant Bush into a bloody war. We had no business invading Iraq and now the blood of every dead soldier is on Bush's hands. (1-1-2007)
Fag Priest. The priest to the Kennedy family recently estimated that 70% of all priests in the Catholic church are fags; the other 30% are their enablers. Either way you engage in and condone sin under the guise of being a pastor of the flock. Shame. (1-1-2007)
Billy Graham Is A Lying Whore. There is no bigger, more influential fag enabler in this generation than Billy Graham, who has preached his whole life the big lie belched out of the bowels of hell: that God loves everybody. Does God love those billions in hell? He is a foolish, lying, leg-spreading whore, and hell beneath awaits. (1-1-2007)
Fag Pimp Judy. She raised her son for the devil, and now Judy Shepard makes a fat paycheck off the back of her fag son's corpse, teaching young America that God lied when He called homosexuality an abominable sin. (1-1-2007)
Fag Soldier In Hell. When you voluntarily sign up to serve this God-hating nation, following the direction of Godless leaders, you will experience the certain outcome of defeat and death. Having died in active defiance of God, your next stop is just as certain: hell. (1-1-2007)
God Blew Up The Troops. When you quarrel with the God of Eternity, raising your hand and weapon in support of an evil nation, the nature of the skirmish is absolutely irrelevant; God Himself has become your enemy, and you will suffer unbearable defeat. God is blowing the fruit of this nation to bits and pieces. (1-1-2007)
God Hates You. Rather than an evil passion as it is in men, God's hatred is a fixed determination to eternally punish all children of disobedience - this means you! (1-1-2007)
Prepare To Meet Thy God. The great day of the Lord's Judgment is at hand. While most men will beg stones and mountains to fall on them to hide them from the face of the Lamb, God's elect watch with great anticipation for the coming of their King. Every man will stand alone before the Great White Throne and give an account of his life. (1-1-2007)
Remember Lot's Wife. In Luke 17:32, the Lord Jesus Christ commanded all men to 'Remember Lot's wife.' This is the only time that the Lord told the men that he preached to, while he lived on earth as a man, to remember a specific person. Why Lot's wife? Watch this video to find out, ye world full of Lot's wives! (1-1-2007)
Thank God For $10.9 million. Find out why the WBC thanks the Lord their God for and rejoices at the prospect of a $10.9 million judgment handed down against their faithful Bible preaching in these last, dark days! (1-1-2007)
Thank God For Katrina. Go, Katrina! Go, Rita! Those ultra-destructive whirlwinds are just small examples ... at the direct hand of a jealous and angry God ... of what this nation richly deserves. (1-1-2007)
Too Late To Pray. As with the Jews in the days of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, America's whoredoms have brought the wrath of God on her. She has sinned away her day of grace, and it is now a sin to pray for the U.S.A. (1-1-2007)
Toe Tag. When God becomes your raging mad enemy, and your deluded presidential bantam rooster sends you into war, chances are good that you'll return home in a body bag wearing a toe tag. (1-1-2007)
The World Is Doomed. There is not a nation in existence today that does not, in some major way, shape or form, rebel against God in its legislative, judicial and executive functions - at the highest levels of government. The Lord has promised to repay their disobedience: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. - Ps. 9:17. (1-1-2007)
Fag Pimp Bush. Both by aggressive action and by corrupt refusal to act, Bush uses his bully pulpit and governmental power to pander to fags - to the eternal detriment of America. The Lord God has indeed set up over America the basest of men! (1-1-2007)
You Will Eat Your Children. And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me; Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat - Lev. 26. (1-1-2007)