Hatemongers Part 1 of 12. Did you know Fred Phelps was number 5 on JFK Jr.'s list of 20 most fascinating men in George magazine? (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 2 of 12. For years, Fred Phelps worked as a civil rights lawyer in Topeka, defending the rights of African Americans and those who were descriminated against in the workplace. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 3 of 12. Find out what local Topeka happenstance sparked the now infamous, worldwide picketing ministry of Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 4 of 12. Every single pastor of every 'church' in Topeka shirked his responsibility to truthfully proclaim God's standard. Instead, they all groveled and apologized for WBC's spreading of 'hate.'. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 5 of 12. He's been asked a million times: What would Fred do if a member of his family told him that they were gay? Fred answers for the whole world to hear. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 6 of 12. America is doomed. Fred presents the evidence for this solemn claim - and its all evidence that's right before our eyes! (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 7 of 12. Anyone who wants to further their career in this nation must bow down to kiss fag ass at every turn. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 8 of 12. We know you'll hate the words, fight them and lie about us - our Lord Jesus Christ told us so. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 9 of 12. The international media and entertainment industry are in a slavish modality to the fag agenda. Not a one of them will dare tell the truth about that filthy lifestyle. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 10 of 12. Genuine Bible preaching is so rare nowadays that people just don't recognize it when they hear it. All they've ever heard out of these lying false prophets is kissy-poo, clap-trap, syrupy nonsense that will take your miserable, loud-mouth soul straight to hell. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 11 of 12. The hottest spots in hell are reserved for false preachers. They are the reason for the satanic zeitgeist that exists today. They throw away pure Bible preaching, in favor of smooth words that ensure that you will be in the pews when the plate gets passed. (1-1-2005)
Hatemongers Part 12 of 12. The stark irony, from a Bible perspective, is that Fred Phelps and the members of the Westboro Baptist Church are the only ones who love their neighbors as themselves - Fred's got Bible to prove it. (1-1-2005)